For the items that require tracking, the Item Tracking field shows the status of the tracking.
The following statuses can appear in the Item Tracking field:
Empty: No tracking is defined.
Partial: Tracking is defined but not enough to meet the quantity on the line.
Complete: Tracking is fully defined.
Over: Tracking is defined but exceeds the quantity on the line.
Blank: No tracking is required for the item, or it is a non-item line.
Select the Item Tracking field to open the Item Tracking Lines page for the selected line.
The Item Tracking field is available on the following assembly pages:
- Assemble - to - Order Lines
- Assembly Lines
- Assembly List
- Assembly Order
- Assembly Order Subform
- Assembly Quote Subform
- Available - Assembly Headers
- Available - Assembly Lines
Item Journals
The Item Tracking field is available on the following journals:
- Capacity Journal (standard and recurring)
- Consumption Journal (standard and recurring)
- Internal Movement > Lines FastTab
- Invt- Receipt
- Invt. Shipment
- Item Journal (standard and recurring)
- Item Reclass. Journal
- Movement Worksheets
- Output Journal (standard and recurring)
- Pick Worksheets
- Physical Inventory Journal
- Production Journal
- Put-away Worksheets
The Item Tracking field is available on the following jobs pages:
- Job Journal
- Job Planning Lines
- Recurring Job Jnl.
The Item Tracking field is available on the following production pages:
- Available - Prod. Order Comp.
- Firm Planned Production Order
- Planned Production Order
- Planning Component
- Planning Component list
- Planning Worksheet
- Planning Worksheet Line List
- Prod. Order Comp. Line List
- Prod. Order Line List
- Production Component Line List
- Recurring Req. Worksheet
- Released Production Order
- Req. Worksheet
- Requisition Lines
- Simulated Production Order
- Subcontracting Worksheet
The Item Tracking field is available on the following purchase pages:
- Purchase Credit Memo
- Purchase Invoice
- Purchase Lines
- Purchase Order
- Purchase Quote
- Purchase Return Order
The Item Tracking field is available on the following sales pages:
- Available - Purchase Lines
- Sales Credit Memo
- Sales Lines
- Sales Quote
- Sales Return Order
- Sales Invoice
- Sales Order
The Item Tracking field is available on the following service pages:
- Service Credit Memo
- Service Invoice Lines
- Service Item Worksheet Lines
- Service Lines
- Service Quote Lines
The Item Tracking field is available on the following warehouse pages:
- Transfer Order
- Warehouse Item Journal
- Warehouse Receipt
- Warehouse Reclassification Journals
- Warehouse Shipment
- Whse. Internal Pick > Lines FastTab
- Whse. Internal Put-away > Lines FastTab