Table of Contents

Reclassify Items

You can move items to a new location, bin, lot or package, and assign a new lot number or expiration date.

You can also move items to a new bin using the steps in Move Bin Contents.

  1. From the MDC Home screen, select Reclassification.

  2. On the Move Item screen, select Item Reclass.

  3. Populate the following field, and select Search:

    Field Description
    Item No. Select the item you want to reclassify.

    You can then enter the details of the item you want to reclassify.

  4. Populate the following fields as required, selecting Next when needed:

    Field Description
    Quantity Enter the number of items to reclassify.

    Select the item's unit of measure.

    The field is automatically populated if a value was entered in the Unit of Measure field on the Business Central Mobile Data Collection Setup page. The default value can be changed.
    From Location Select or enter the current location of the item.
    To Location

    Select or enter the location to which to move the items.

    If you are not moving the items to a new location, leave the field blank** field.

    The field is automatically populated if a value was entered in the To Location field on the Business Central Mobile Data Collection Setup page. The default value can be changed.
    From Bin Select the current bin of the item.
    To Bin

    Select the bin to which to move the items.

    Leave the field blank if you are not moving the item to a new bin.

    The field is automatically populated if a value was entered in the To Bin field on the Business Central Mobile Data Collection Setup page. The default value can be changed.
    From Lot

    Enter the current lot of the item being reclassified.

    This field is only displayed if the item is lot tracked.
    To Lot

    Enter the lot number to assign to the item.

    If you are not assigning a different lot, select the value in the From Lot field.

    This field is only displayed if the item is lot tracked.

    The field is automatically populated if a value was entered in the To Lot field on the Business Central Mobile Data Collection Setup page. The default value can be changed.
    Expiration Date

    If applicable, select a new expiry date.

    Leave the field blank if you are not assigning a new expiry date.
    From Package Enter the current package number of the item being reclassified.
    To Package

    Enter the package to which to move the items.

    If you leave the field blank, a package number will not be assigned to the item, and an existing package number will be cleared.

    The field is automatically populated if a value was entered in the To Package field on the Business Central Mobile Data Collection Setup page. The default value can be changed.
    Reason Code If applicable, select a reason for the reclassification.
  5. If applicable, select Label to print a new label for the reclassified item.

    The report to print is defined in the Reclass Jnl. Label ID field on the Mobile Data Collection Setup page.

  6. Select Post.

    The items are reclassified, and you will see a message saying the reclass. journal line was posted successfully.