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The Variable Capacity Cost app calculates direct costs using a cost factor when posting work and machine center output capacity.

You can calculate capacity costs using flexible inputs, such as the number of employees involved in production, or the quantity of safety kits used. By entering a cost factor, the app calculates work center or machine center direct costs to reflect actual resource usage. It’s a practical solution for improving cost transparency and aligning expenses with production activities.

Key features

  • Factor-Based Direct Costs: Calculate work and machine center direct costs by multiplying the cost factor with the direct unit cost when posting output.

  • Flexible Application: Use the cost factor regardless of whether costs are calculated based on time or units.

  • Record Resource Usage: Choose to exclude the cost factor from direct cost calculations while still recording resource usage during production.

  • Require Cost Factors: Set up work and machine centers to require a cost factor when posting from production and output journals.

  • Mobile Data Entry: Enter the cost factor easily through the handheld Mobile Data Collection app.

See also