Table of Contents


In some industries, such as the food industry, manufacturers and distributors must often consider freshness requirements while shipping items to customers and receiving items from vendors. Freshness ensures that the date products are to be delivered to customers does not exceed a certain number of days from the production date. Furthermore, freshness ensures that the date products are to be received from vendors does not exceed a certain number of days from the production date.

Freshness requirements can also be applied to consumption processes where a pick is required. Doing so ensures that the production date of the item being consumed does not precede the due date of the production order component line by more than a certain number of days. If a component does not meet freshness requirements, it will be prevented from being picked.


The production date cannot be used in advanced warehousing (directed) location transactions.

As illustrated below, for outbound products heading to customers, an item-lot will be restricted from being picked or shipped, if the planned delivery date minus the production date exceeds the number of required freshness days:

Planned delivery date minus the production date

In terms of purchasing, as illustrated below, for inbound products being received from vendors, item-lot will be restricted from being received if the receipt date minus the production date exceeds the number of required freshness days:

Receipt date

As illustrated below, for items being consumed, an item-lot will be restricted from being picked if the due date of the component  minus the production date exceeds the number of required freshness days:

Production date

With the  Inventory Freshness app, you can apply customized freshness days to an item, customer, vendor or combination of item-customer or item-vendor, and restrict the shipping, picking or receiving of items that do not meet freshness requirements.

See also