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Enter Test Results

Once quality inspections are created, the test results can be entered for inspections with a status of Active.

As results are entered, the tests can be marked as completed.

The results can be entered from the Active Quality Inspection page or the Quality Inspection Lines page.

Change new inspections to active

  1. Choose the icon, enter Change Quality Inspection Status, and then choose the related link.


    You can also change the status for a single inspection by select the Change Status action on New Quality Inspection page.

  2. On the Change Quality Inspection Status page, populate the following field:

    Field Description
    Status Filter Select New.
  3. Select the inspection(s) you want to change to active.


    Hold down the Ctrl key to select multiple records.

  4. Select Home > Change Status.

  5. Populate the following fields:

    Field Description
    New Status Select Active.
    Assign yourself to the inspection and incomplete inspection lines Turn the toggle on to assign yourself to the inspection(s) and the incomplete inspection lines.
  6. Select Yes.

Enter results from an inspection

You can enter the results for a single active inspection.

  1. Choose the icon, enter Active Quality Inspections, and then choose the related link.

  2. On the Active Quality Inspections page, open the inspection for which you want to enter test results.

    If you do not see the inspection you want, make sure its status was changed to active.

  3. On the Quality Inspection page, in the General FastTab, populate the following fields:

    Field Description
    Inspection Template Category Code

    If applicable, select the category used to group inspection templates.

    The default value is from the template used to create the inspection.
    Assigned User ID If applicable, select the user assigned to the inspection.
  4. Add results to the test.

    You can view test instructions from the Instructions FactBox.

    1. In the Lines FastTab, populate the following fields.

      Field Description
      Test Date

      If applicable, select the date the test was completed.

      The default date is from source document date as defined in the Test Date field on the Quality Inspection Template Sources page (via the Quality Inspection Template page).

      Test Result Value

      Select or enter the test result.

      If the test has a result format of Option, you must select one of the available values.

      Based on the template setup, the Test Result Status field will be automatically updated to Pass or Fail.
      Assigned User ID If applicable, select the user completing the test.
    2. To mark a line as complete, select Manage > Mark As Complete.

      The Completed checkbox is selected for the line. To clear the Completed checkbox, select Manage > Mark As Pending.

  5. If applicable, in the Source FastTab, populate the following field:

    Field Description
    Location Code Select the location of the source document.
  6. If applicable, in the Item FastTab, populate the following fields:

    The Item FastTab is displayed only if the inspection template used to create the inspection has an item as its source.

    These fields are used to add tracking information to the inspection. This additional information will not overwrite any existing tracking information and is only for the inspection.


    The values selected in this FastTab are not validated.

    Field Description
    Variant Code Select the variant code of item that was tested.
    Serial No. Select serial number of item that was tested.
    Lot No.

    Select the lot number of item that was tested.

    A lot can only be selected for lot-tracked items.

    On the Lot No. List page, select Actions > Quality Inspections > Current Inspection Document Tracking or All Item Tracking to select from existing lots tracked for the item.

    Package No. Select the package number of item that was tested.
  7. If applicable, apply inventory restriction codes to tracked items.

    The restricted items will be prevented from being used in inbound, outbound, and warehouse processes.

    The Inventory Restrictions app needs to be installed to apply restrictions, and tracking information needs to be added to the Item FastTab.

  8. To view the document with which the inspection is associated, select Inspection > Show Document.

    An approved user can verify the inspection.

Enter results from inspection lines

You can use the Quality Inspection Lines page to enter results for multiple active inspections.


You can use a tablet, with the Business Central app installed, to quickly add results from the Quality Inspections Line screen.

  1. Choose the icon, enter Quality Inspections Lines, and then choose the related link.

    All of the tests will be listed but you can only add results to inspections that have an Active status.


    To see only active inspections lines choose one of the Active Inspection Lines tiles on the Quality Inspector role center.

  2. On the Quality Inspections Lines page, populate the following fields:

    You can view test instructions from the Quality Inspection Instructions FactBox.

    Field Description
    Test Date

    Select the date of the test.

    The default date is from source document date as defined in the Test Date field on the Quality Inspection Template Sources page (via the Quality Inspection Template page).
    Assigned User ID Select the user completing the test.
    Test Result Value

    Select or enter the test result.

    If the test has a result format of Option, you must select one of the available values.

    Based on the template setup, the Test Result Status field will be automatically updated to Pass or Fail.
  3. If applicable, add an item tracking number to the quality inspection.

    1. Select a test line.

      Even though you are selecting a test line, the tracking number applies to the whole inspection.

    2. Select Home > Update Item Tracking.

    3. On the Update Item Tracking page, enter the lot, serial, variant or package number.

      The tracking number is added to the inspection but is not validated. This additional information will not overwrite any existing tracking information and is only for the inspection.

  4. Mark a test as complete.

    1. Select a test line.

    2. Select Home > Mark As Complete.

      The Completed checkbox is selected for the line. To clear the Completed checkbox, select Home > Mark As Pending