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Post Rebates to General Ledger

After rebates have been calculated for a sales document, they need to be posted to the general ledger to recognize the amounts.

A rebate can be configured to post the balancing entry immediately to the customer (e.g. give the rebate immediately), or they can be set up to accrue to a general ledger balancing account, where they can then be applied later to the customer accounts. The rebate posting group assigned to the rebate defines how the rebate is posted.

A job queue can be set up post the rebates to the general ledger.

  1. Choose the icon, enter Post Rebates to G/L, then choose the related link.

  2. On the Post Rebates to G/L page, populate the following field:

    Field Description
    Batch Name If applicable, select a rebate batch.
  3. Apply filtering if you only want to post specific entries.

  4. Select OK.

    You can view the amount posted from the Amount Posted to G/L field on the Rebate Entries page.