Table of Contents


To See
View the permission sets. Permissions
Run the assisted setup. Use Assisted Setup
Set up how the customer insights will be calculated. Set Up Customer Insights
Define the targets you want a specific customer to achieve. If customer targets are not set up, the default targets on the Customer Insights Setup page are used. Work with Customer Targets
Define the ranges that determine if a customer has a good, average, or poor score. Work with Customer Metrics
Set up the job queue used to calculate the customer insights. Set Up Customer Insights Job Queue

Backorder Management

If the Backorder Management app is installed, you can evaluate customer insights based on metrics collected from the app.

To See
Set up the Backorder Management app. Setup
Set up the ranges for Backorder Management metrics Set Up Backorder Management Metrics

Over Shipping

If the Over Shipping app is installed, you can evaluate customer insights based on metrics collected from the app.

To See
Set up the Over Shipping app. Setup
Set up the ranges for Over Shipping metrics Set Up Over Shipping Metrics

Sales Rebates

If the Sales Rebates app is installed, you can evaluate customer insights based on metrics collected from the app.

To See
Set up the Sales Rebates app. Setup
Set up the ranges for Sales Rebates targets Set Up Sales Rebates Metrics
Set up the ranges for Sales Rebates metrics Set Up Sales Rebates Metrics